If you want to donate to us directly there are lots of ways you can do this, visit ways to donate for more information. Every donation whether big or small makes a massive difference.

Here are some of the ways your money can be used:

  • £15 pays for an 'Infant Ready Heat Warming Blanket', used when transporting Wales' youngest patients to ensure they are warm during their flight.
  • £150 is the cost of fuelling one helicopter for one hour
  • £600 pays for a stretcher/scoop; this is a device used specifically for moving injured people.
  • £1,900 can buy a helmet needed for our medics and pilots to fly in the helicopter.
  • £8,500 is the cost of one medical chest compression device, used for adults during a cardiac arrest; known as the Lucas 2.
  • £21,000 pays the staffing costs for the Children's Wales Air Ambulance; these staff transfer neonatal and paediatric patients to the most suitable specialist hospital unit in the UK.
  • £133,000 - the total cost to fund one helicopter for one month.

Donating Goods

Donating goods and services are equally as important and are highly valued. Whether you are able to donate items for our shops or donate prizes to be used in raffles or auctions every donation is key to keeping this service running.

Sponsor an event

Sponsoring one of our events is a great way to enhance your company's brand and show your customers that you care about saving the lives of people in Wales.

Your community coordinator will work closely with you to make sure your sponsorship leads to great brand awareness.

To find out about our sponsorship packages, which can be tailored for your company, please contact the Fundraising team via [email protected]